One lira.
What do you mean, no?
The seat's mine,
so I'm not paying.
And whose bit of ground is it?
All the others have paid..
..so you can pay too.
He's even sat in the front row.
I'm not scared of you.
Are you paying or not?
Either you pay or you get out.
What a profile,
what a gaze, what a forehead!
Who can tell what you will become
with that smile, that forehead!
You won't end your days here.
Who knows how far you'll go!
You'll become a real grandee.
You haven't finished yet.
Who knows who your father was!
A hundred lire.
A hundred lire?
Next, please.
What a forehead,
what a smile, what a gaze!
You have an interior light.
What a fine profile, what a forehead,
what a spiritual gaze!
You are someone special.
Who knows what you might become!