(Chorus) Every night at seven,
every time the same thing happens.
I fall once again in love,
but only with you.
May I say your performance
was a bit ragged.
You were so slow going around
the throne I almost caught you.
Well the audience
seemed to like it.
It's so hot in New York in the summer.
I'm glad we're closing tomorrow night.
I wonder what happened
to the air conditioning.
Mr. Hiller probably turned it off
to save money.
Oh, would you blot my face too.
Up here it's dripping.
Who's Mr. Hiller?
The house manager.
You ought to know that.
You've been playing his theatre
for the past year and a half.
Is that that evil little man
who comes around and pinches?
That's your department
sister dear.
All I can say is let Mr. Hiller
keep his air conditioning.
He can't take it with him,
and where's he's going, he'll need it.
Boy, it's hot!
If I ever play a king again,
I'll be one of those Asiatic boys
who just wears
earrings and a sheet.
Hey! What's your hurry?
Hi Ellen honey.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
You know my brother Tom,
don't you?
No I don't believe
I've had the pleasure.
How are you?
I'm fine Sir,
and thank you for asking.
I'll be out in five. Oh, my peach
you look so nice and cool.
Make yourself at home.
Sit down, anywhere.
- Oh, how was it sir?
- Hot.
Oh, Um your agent stopped
by to see you sir.
Irving. What brought him out
this clammy night?