When you know
I've been a liar all my life.
You've had that reputation
since you was a youth.
You must have been insane
to think I'd tell you the truth.
How could I believe you
when ya said we'd marry?
Well, you know
I'd rather hang than have a wife.
I know I said
I'd make you mine.
Now wouldn't you's know
that I would go for that old line.
How could you believe me
when I said I love you?
When you know
I've been a liar.
You sure have been a liar.
A double-crossing liar.
A double-crossing liar.
All my doggone cheating life.
You said you would
love me long.
So what?
And never would do
me wrong.
Stop bending the suit.
Faithful you'd always be.
Why baby you must be loony to trust
a lower than low two-timer like me.
You said I'd have everything.
Get her.
A beautiful diamond ring.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
A bungalow by the sea.
A bungalow yet.
You're really naive to ever believe
a full of baloney phony like me.
Why, I should have
just lost my head.
You ain't lost nothing
you never had.
What about the time
you went to Indiana?
I was lying
I was down in Ala-bam.
You said you had some business
you had to complete.
What I was doing
I would be a cad to repeat.
What about the evening's
you was with your mother?
I was romping
with another honey-lamb.
To think you swore
our love was real.
Baby leave us not forget
that I am a heal.
How could I believe you
when you said you loved me?
you know I've been a liar?
A good for nothing liar.