Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
No smoking.
Look how everybody's worried. Why worry?
He asked us to come, we came.
lf he wants to do business, we do business.
lf he doesn't want to do business,
we don't do business. Right?
Not right. Wrong.
What do we have to sell? Food.
Since when does the Chief of lntelligence
buy food for the Army?
Don't make me nervous.
As you were.
Good morning, Colonel.
Beautiful morning, Colonel.
There's very little more l can tell you.
This is where you'll meet the contact.
He'll take you to insurgent headquarters.
And as far as l know, he's reliable.
But don't trust him.
Don't trust anybody. Watch yourself.
Yes, sir.
Give him this message from me.
lt will introduce you.
You're aware of how much depends on you?
Yes, sir.
You'll have to change into civilian clothes.
Carry some sort of small arms.
They'll probably take it away from you.
This is entirely voluntary, you understand?
lt isn't an order.
There's a good chance
of your getting killed.
l understand, Colonel.
All right. Good luck, Collet.
Thank you, Colonel.