What can l say to you?
What is he writing?
He's taking everything down.
lf someone is running guns,
you must find the dog!
Don't give up until you find him.
Maybe l can help you.
l know them all, like the insides
of my own pockets. They're all my friends.
How can l convince you?
-Tell him how he can convince us.
-Anything, my friend, anything.
Who is it?
lt's me.
Remember me?
Should l?
Last night, the Moulin Rouge. Boom!
-lt was you who helped me.
-lt was.
-What do you want?
-Dropped by to see how you were.
l'm fine, thank you.
l'm sorry, l can't ask you in.
That's all right. l don't mind.
Nice place you have here.
Are you happy?
You got your bracelet back.
How did you know?
My man brought it to you.
And what did you say your name was?
Smith. Harry Smith.
l was glad to get it back.
Yes, he told me.
Where did you find it?
Somewhere on the floor.
How did you know it was mine?
lt was easy. lt looks like you.
How did it look like me?