''Why don't you go away? Far away?''
Why do you talk to him like that?
Yes. Why should l go away?
Here in Damascus is opportunity.
Here l make money. Here l live.
''Don't ask,'' my stomach says. ''Just go.
''Go. Before they put the screws on you,
before they torture you.''
The things people do to people.
What people?
We are such animals.
My stomach is right. Why do we stay here?
We must leave. Such things can happen.
Do you know what he's talking about?
He doesn't know, himself.
Have you been to church lately?
You should go. We should all go.
lt's good for our souls.
l'll bet he's trying to make a touch.
-You want to borrow some money?
-Money! l got plenty. lf that was only it.
Then what is it?
How can l tell you?
Tell him. Good night.
l tried. Heaven knows l tried.
You tried what?
Shave me.
Miss Violette.
l'd hoped to see you again, but l didn't--
Could l talk to you, please?
lt's a little late for that, isn't it?
Can't we go inside?
All right.