I have blisters already.
What's the matter?
Are you upset?
Shall i sing you something?
Automn makes you sad ?
Or is it because the little ones
already call us "madam" ?
Have you got a heartache?
Seeing us like this,
people would think we have reached the age of 45,
But our bodies look 17...
And we are actually 28 years old.
have you ever been aching all over,
after a dream ?
In a crying mood
wanting to find back what you dreamed of ?
...leave everything ?
No one ever inspired me such dreams.
In the morning, you wake up
with plenty of images in your mind,
felling all unhappy.
- Beg your pardon ?
- Nothing.
We have some style,
but work sure wears out.
Our feets,
and even our very immortal souls.
What's wrong, Marie ?
So many people die...