I appreciate the fact that you like ballets,
but you must go away.
It is cold.
For the legs especially,
wearing only silk stockings.
Especially when your're a dancer.
How do you know that ?
I saw you.
When ?
A few times,
during the dress rehearsal.
If i could actually say what's on my mind...
You'll laught at me.
Well, we'll see.
I would say that...
You are the most beautifull person
i have ever seen.
Do you spent your summers here ?
Yes, in Kallegarden.
We have a house, the white one.
Is it yours ?
You've seen it ?
Of course. The manor.
My dog and I,
when we were younger,
during automn, we'd go there to pinch apples.
Well, we shall meet again,
at least when you come to get your apples.