I think we'll become friends.
I think so too.
oncle Erland paid us a visit.
He gave me a bracelet.
He was very kind,
very found of me.
Aunt Elizabeth was drinking too much.
She was very bitter
she talked about mum.
But nobody was listening to her.
I enjoy coffee.
At my age,
it is not pleasant to be called ''oncle''.
By such a young and beautifull lady.
you think i am young and beautifull.
I think you look like your mother a lot.
You used to give her presents too.
Yes, and she liked them.
She took them as a tribute to her art.
Did you love her ?
She was a first rate artist.
And this bracelet,
Is it a tribute to my talent?
If you were not the daughter of an old friend,
i would talk to you in a very different manner.
Go and, do so.
No, i don't dare.
Just imagine i am somebody else.
Mum, for instance.
What if we where running away together ?