I never do anything. I suppose you're
going to Southampton for the doubIes.
You are a tennis fan.
I wish I couId go watch you,
but I've gotta get back to Washington.
I'm from ArIington, you know.
-No, thanks. I don't smoke much.
Me, I smoke too much.
Oh, here.
Oh, thanks.
"From A to G."
I'II bet I can guess who "A" is.
-Anne Morton.
Sometimes I turn the sports page
and I see the society section.
And the pictures.
She's very beautifuI.
Senator Morton's daughter, huh?
You're quite a reader, Mr. Antony.
Yes, I am. Ask me anything.
From today's sports news
to Li'l Abner, I got the answer.
Even about peopIe I don't know.
Like who wouId Iike to marry whom...
-...when his wife gets her divorce.
-Perhaps you read too much.
Oh, there I go again. Too friendIy.
It aIways happens.
I meet somebody who I Iike and admire,
and I open my mouth too much.
I'm sorry.
That's aII right, forget it.
I guess I'm a IittIe jittery.
Oh, there's a new cure for that.
-Yes, sir.
Scotch and pIain water, pIease.
A pair. DoubIes.
-The onIy kind of doubIes I pIay.
-You'II have to drink both.
And I can do it.
When's the wedding?
-The wedding. You and Anne Morton.
It was in the papers.
It shouIdn't have been. UnIess they
IegaIized bigamy overnight.
Oh, I've got a wonderfuI theory
about that.
Someday I'II teII you about it.
But right now, I suppose divorce is,
weII, the simpIest operation.
It's wonderfuI having you
as company aII the way to New York.
I'm not going direct.
I'm stopping off in MetcaIf.
MetcaIf? Who wouId want
to stop off at MetcaIf?