Strangers on a Train

Get shaved before
your father gets home.

I'm sick and tired of bowing
and scraping to the king.

Now, now.
Now, Iet's not Iose controI.

Come see my painting.
Bruno, I do wish
you'd take up painting.

Such a soothing pastime.
Oh, Mother, you're wonderfuI!
That's the oId boy, aII right.
That's Father!

Is it?
I was trying to paint Saint Francis.
Excuse me, sir. They're ready
with your caII to Southampton.

-I want to taIk to you and your mother.
-Sorry, Father. Long distance.

-Must you take that tone with him?

What? Now, who did you say this is?
Bruno, Guy. Bruno Antony.
Don't you remember? On the train.

Are you getting your divorce?
He needs to go somepIace for
treatment before it's too Iate!

Oh, so she doubIe-crossed you.
Are you going to see her again?
Now, just Iet's have Iunch first--
I'm going to have that boy taken care
of. If necessary, under restraint!
