Strangers on a Train

I'II get it, Tom.
-Go ahead.

Watch your step.
Easy does it, Tommy.
-Hey, I'm hungry.
-Oh, hungry aIready!

Hot dogs! Get them whiIe they're hot!
Red-hot! Right over here!

Yes, sir, get your popcorn here.
Fresh popcorn! OnIy five cents a bag!

Come and get it!
Here you are!
Three cones, Arthur.
What fIavors you got?

-VaniIIa? SweII.

-I shouId've had a hot dog before this.
-A hot dog?

Satisfy my craving a IittIe better.
Craving for what?
I never saw a girI eat so much.
-Where do you put it aII?
-This is good.

Want some money?
Are we going to the TunneI of Love?
-Come on!
-Great. Come on.

-What do you caII that thing?
-I don't know.

Stick them up.
Come cIoser, come cIoser!
Step right up and win a baby doII.

Let's go see who's the stronger.
Who eIse wants to take a chance
to win a Kewpie doII?

Here we go. Watch it.
Come on.
-How about you, sir?
