Not now!
No fun necking
with a mouthfuI of popcorn.
-Come on.
Take a ride. Take a sIide.
Take a trip with Iots of zip.
This way, Iadies and gentIemen.
-How about this one?
-I'm gonna drive.
You're gonna drive?
Don't rock the boat!
-Here we go.
-Anchors aweigh.
You sure you know how
to steer this tub?
-Make him stop! Make him stop!
-I'm trying to steer the boat.
Hey, what's that? What are you doing?
Come on, come on, Miriam.
-Come on.
-Stop it!
Hang on.
Oh, wait a minute.
Easy does it, now.
Let's not break a Ieg.
We got use for you Iater.