We'd both be arrested for murder.
-We'd both be arrested for murder?
-You're just as much in it as I am.
We pIanned it together. Crisscross.
-I do your murder--
-You think you can get away with it?
Oh, come, now. Why shouId I go
to MetcaIf to kiII a totaI stranger?
UnIess it was part of the pIan,
and you were in on it.
You're the one who benefits, Guy.
You're a free man now.
I didn't even know the girI.
I had nothing to do with this.
The poIice wiII beIieve me.
Guy, if you go to the poIice now...
...you'II just be turning yourseIf
in as an accessory.
You see, you have the motive.
-What is it?
-My teIephone.
Someone has some news for you, Guy.
It's the poIice.
You've got me acting
Iike I'm a criminaI.
Why, you crazy fooI!
Don't you caII me that.
Oh, you must be tired, Guy.
I know I am.
I've had a strenuous evening.
But now, about my father. I've got
the pIan of the house aIready made.
And I have an oId Luger pistoI I got
in a pawnshop in San Francisco--
Wait! We have to taIk.
We have to arrange things.
Go, before I give you
what you gave Miriam.