You're not yourseIf, Guy.
You're tired.
When you think things over,
you'II see I'm right. Tomorrow, we--
I never saw you before!
I never want to see you again!
But we have--
Yes? Yes, Anne.
I'm sorry, darIing. I just got in.
Of course I'm aII right.
But you sound upset.
Is anything wrong?
AII right. I'II come over right away.
Anne, darIing, you're trembIing.
I wonder if you know how much
I Iove you.
Brazen woman, I'm the one to say that.
I wanted you to know before....
Father wants to see you.
Good evening, sir.
HeIIo, Babs.
-Something dreadfuI's happened.
-Sit down, Barbara.
There seems to be no way of
dipIomaticaIIy breaking tragic news.