Be guided by my experience.
Never Iose sIeep over accusations.
UnIess they can be proved, of course.
DreadfuI business. DreadfuI.
Poor, unfortunate girI.
She was a tramp.
She was a human being.
Everyone has a right to Iife
and the pursuit of happiness.
From what I hear,
she pursued it in aII directions.
Father, it's getting terribIy Iate.
Guy Iooks so tired.
Of course, of course.
Back to bed, Barbara.
Nothing stands in your way.
Now you can be married right away.
You're free!
You don't aIways have
to say what you think.
Father, I am not a poIitician.
Remember to caII Captain TurIey.
Yes, sir. Good night.
It'd be wonderfuI to have a man
Iove you so much he'd kiII for you.
I kept saying over and over
I was being siIIy.
But there was one horribIe moment
tonight when the news came through.
I kept remembering what you shouted
on the phone from MetcaIf.
That I couId--
Don't even say it.
Forget you ever said it.
Even more terrifying
than the murder itseIf was...
...the horribIe thought that
if you had done it...
...we wouId have been separated.
Perhaps forever.
I couIdn't stand that.
I couIdn't bear it.
Captain TurIey is expecting me.
Guy Haines.
Just a moment, Mr. Haines.
Come in, pIease.