- That's what they all say.
- Mae...
...what do you really think of me?
You impress me as a man who needs
a new suit of clothes or a new love affair.
But he doesn't know which.
You can't make me any smaller.
I happen to be preshrunk.
Do you want another drink?
- No.
- You're tough to please.
- I pick and I choose. My privilege.
- That politician.
- That was a smart pick.
- Meaning what?
Don't kid me, baby.
I know a bottle by the label.
Peace on earth.
I'm exhausted.
We had a wonderful time.
- Did you commune with nature?
- That ain't funny. Come on...
I seem to be the only one around here
capable of taking a joke.
- Let's call it a day.
- Are you bored?
I can't get Papa out,
and he's really getting loaded.
- I'd like to leave, if you don't mind.
- The day's young. Let's enjoy ourselves.
A few drinks, a dance, a hug. What's wrong
with that? Or am I in the wrong pew?
Waiter, bring three more stinkies.
Could you let me have
a couple dollars? I ran out.
- Don't take it.
- Why not, Mae?
What's the matter, my money got germs?
Take it, Jeremiah.
- Don't touch that money.
- I gotta pay Papa's bar bill.
Big mouth, fast dollar. What are you
trying to buy, the world's approval?
On your way, dust.