I got you, I got Gloria,
you know what I mean?
Don't bother about it.
It's just that I'm so irritated with the heat.
I'll go put something on.
Hi, Earl.
Excuse me while I rest my weary dogs.
Sit down, Jeremiah. Relax.
Mae'll be out in a minute.
She's dressing.
She don't have to doll up
for Earl Pfeiffer.
- And how's the wonderful baby?
- Fourteen pounds, 6 ounces.
I weigh her every Tuesday and Friday.
She's a lulu.
Hey, are you sick?
Dead and in my grave.
Don't get up, it's too hot to move.
My pleasure, Mrs. D.
You're drunk.
On two tiny quarts?
Brought you a present.
I almost forgot.
What is it?
- Vitamins.
- Vitamins?
Said to myself, I gotta get Mrs. D
a present. What does she need? Vitamins.
Run down? Your clock losing time?
Feel morbid? Wanna throw yourself
in the oven with the rest of the cakes?
Take a vitamin.
I'll make a pot of coffee. You need it.