Mrs Delaney?
- I'm Miss Buckholder.
- Mrs Delaney's out.
I've come about renting the room,
and not the upstairs room.
If Mrs Delaney could let me have
this one, it's really what I had in mind.
More a studio than a bedroom.
I was here a few minutes ago.
You see, I'm studying art
and this would work out just great.
D'you think she'd consider it?
But if I'd be in your way...
- It's rather far from the bathroom.
- Running up stairs keeps my legs slim.
If I have to run in and out and it's late,
I won't be bothering you.
Mrs Delaney said
I could move in right away.
Right away?
Well, then... then why don't you?
- She wouldn't mind it being this room?
- It's my house.
That's just wonderful! Thank you
so much, Mr... Doctor Delaney.
She said two weeks in advance
was satisfactory.
- That can wait till later.
- No, I insist.
Tell her I'll be moving in around
four o'clock. Oh, gee, thanks so much.
I hope I didn't disturb you.