Maybe... maybe you could take me
to a movie tonight?
- I have to do some Twelfth Step work.
- Again?
It's important. You help yourself
by helping other alcoholics.
Alcoholics are mostly disappointed men.
Oh. Sure, I know.
You wasn't ever disappointed,
were you, Doc?
The thing is not to dwell on the past,
to live each day as it comes,
and stay sober doing it.
- Who are you gonna help tonight?
- Some fellow they found on skid row.
He's down at the city hospital.
I kind of dread it.
You said it helped you.
It does if you can stand it.
I did some Twelfth Step work
there myself once before.
They put the alcoholics
in with the crazy people.
These men, all twisted and shaking.
Eyes all foggy and full of pain.
One fellow had his hands clamped
together so he wouldn't kill anyone.
There was a young man,
scratched his eyes out.
Oh, don't, Daddy.
It's awful they take 'em there,
just 'cause they get drunk.
They'll sober him up, that's the
important thing. Let's not talk about it.
Maybe Marie
can go to a movie with you.
No, she's probably going out
somewheres with Turk.
She shouldn't be going out
with a fellow like Turk.
I don't know why you say that.
Turk's nice.
Fellow like that has no respect
for nice, young girls.
I can tell just by looking at him.
You think every girl is like Jennifer
Jones in The Song of Bernadette.
I like to believe that young people
like her are clean and decent.
- Hi.
- Hi, honey. My, you're up early.
- You want any breakfast?
- No, thank you.
It's such a nice morning,
why don't you walk with me?
- Yeah, Daddy, it'll do you good.
- I might come home for lunch.