We don't have any and we get these
toys in our boxes of breakfast foods.
I usually save them
for the Coffman kids, but you take it.
- That's very kind of you.
- That's all right.
Goodbye, Mr Postman.
You're gonna get a letter
if I have to write it myself.
- Thanks. Bye.
- Bye.
It's Taboo, radio listeners,
your 15 minutes of temptation.
Won't you join me?
Won't you leave behind your routine,
the dull cares that make up
your day-to-day existence,
the little worries, the uncertainties,
the confusions
of the workaday world?
Follow me where pagan spirits
hold sway,
where lithe natives dance
on a moon-enchanted isle,
where palm trees sway
with the restless ocean tide.
Restless, surging on the white shore.
Won't you come along?
But remember... it's taboo.
I hope we're not disturbing her.
I didn't hear you come in,
I was half asleep.