Wait for me, Hans! Please wait.
Well, hurry up. Faster!
Thank you.
Next time, don't be late.
Now, yesterday, Matilda was the wicked
mermaid - the princess of the frozen sea.
- Remember that?
- Yes.
Today, as I promised -
we always keep our promises, don't we?
- Today, as I promised, she will be the...
- Queen of China!
Did anybody remember to bring
a dress for the queen of China?
You said you would!
All right.
Please, ladies and gentlemen.
If we can't have a queen,
then we'll have a king.
It's very simple. We just take
the crown and put it over on the side.
He was a very jaunty little king -
wore his crown like that. Now, we'll just...
Ah... No peeping.
There we are.
Long live the king!
Long live the king!
That's not a king.
It's only a queen with a moustache.
Well, a lot of kings
are only a queen with a moustache.
- We all believe it's a king, don't we?
- Yes!
Since we have no clothes for the king,
this is a story about a king
who had no clothes,
and about a little boy
who only believed what he saw.
That's you!
Well, one day, two swindlers
came to see the king
to sell him what they said
was a magic suit of clothes.
Now, the king was very fond of new
clothes, so he said, "Let me see it."
But there wasn't any suit of clothes.
The swindlers held up their hands like this