And that there's personal trouble
with Kane and Miller?
All right, allright!
Quiet, everybody!
If there's a difference of opinion,
let everybody have a say.
But let's do it like grown-up people,
and get the kids out of the building.
- Anything on the train?
- It's on time as far as I know, sir.
It don't really matter if there's anything
personal between Miller and Kane.
We all know who Miller is,
and what Miller is.
- We're wasting time.
- All right Coy!
We all know who Miller is
and we put him away once.
And who saved him from hanging?
The politicians up north.
I say, this is their mess.
Let them take care of it.
- Fryer?
- Well, I say this:
We've been paying good money
for a marshal and deputies.
The first time there's any trouble,
we're supposed to take care of it ourselves.
What have we been paying for
all this time?
We're not peace officers,
and this ain't our job!
I've been saying right along,
we ought to have more deputies.
If we did, we wouldn't be facing this now.
Just a minute, just a minute!
Everybody, quiet!
Keep it orderly.
You had your hand up.