It figures. It's all happened too sudden.
People got to talk themselves into law and order
before they do anything.
Maybe because down deep they don't care.
They just don't care.
What'll I do, Mart?
I was hopin' you wouldn't come back
- You know why I came back
- But not to commit suicide.
Sometimes... Sometimes
prison changes a man.
Not him. This is all planned,
that's why they're all here.
Get out, Will! Get out.
Will you come down
to that depot with me?
You know how I feel about you,
but I ain't goin' with you.
Seems like a man with busted knuckles
didn't need arthritis, don't it?
No, I couldn't do nothin' for you.
You'd get yourself killed
worryin' about me.
It's too one-sided like it is.
- So long, Martin.
- So long.
It's all for nothin', Will.
It's all for nothin'.
Excuse me, what is
Mrs Ramirez's room number?
- Three.
- Thank you.