
No, I would have my questions
answered first. Sir knight...

...I believe there were tournaments
between Saxon and Norman knights...

...to prove which was more valiant.
- Aye, milady, in the Holy Land.

The Saxons were at last taught
to bow to their betters.

And yet, I hear the Saxons
won the tournaments.

How does a Saxon lady come to know
so much of such distant matters?

Only from the tales I hear, sir knight.
And I was told that
in the tournament at Acre...

...Richard of England led five
of his Saxon knights into combat...

...and vanquished all
who challenged them.

The one who fell was named De Bracy.
And another, Bois-Guilbert.
True, milady. I blush, but I admit it.
I can still feel the dust in my mouth.
Is it out of your teeth yet, Guilbert?

A broken saddle girth caused my fall,
not the bumpkin of a knight I tilted.

And who was this bumpkin of a knight?
He named himself Wilfred of lvanhoe.
- Ivanhoe?
- Aye, milady.

A friend of Richard's
who vanished as suddenly as his king.

What manner of knight
was he to look upon?

I never saw his face.
Few men did.
But he wore a dragon charge
upon his shield.

I shall know him by that,
if we ever meet again.

- And why did he vanish, sire?
- Because he was a coward.

Aye, a coward who fled when there
was no Richard to hide behind...

...before I could challenge him
to meet me.

Then I give you the challenge that lvanhoe
would give to you were he here, sir knight.

And I bid you drink to his honor
as a fellow knight.

And you, milord.
Will you drink to his honor too?
