
...with all the longing in the lonely world.
- How is he?
- All is well with him, Father.

And with you?
I've not been blind to the loneliness
of your life, my child.

The happiness you long for is real,
and all men long for it...

...but you will not find it here.
This knight's faith forbids him
to look upon you as a woman...

...even as yours forbids you to look
upon him as a man.

Then why does it not also forbid me
to feel joy or sorrow?

It tries to teach you that as well.
Then it has failed.
If our teachings are false,
they will pass away...

...but until that time,
we must abide by them.

Perish by them, you mean.
My heart is breaking, Father.
My heart broke long ago...
...but it serves me still.
My daughter brought you back here
and tended your wound, Sir lvanhoe.

Again, you come to my aid.
And you, Isaac.
Rest peacefully, sir knight.
The ransom is growing
even while we speak...

...some here in Sheffield,
but most in York.

When you can,
we will journey there to gather it.

You've risked enough.
Stay here in safety, Rebecca.
