You'll see...
See, it's not hard.
That's a cross.
That's the good lord...
- Your necklace is pretty.
- It's broken.
That's better.
But there's a prettier one
over your brother's bed.
You think it's pretty?
I'll make better ones with a hammer.
And they'll be all over.
look at this.
Darn... I have to start over.
You don't know how.
Hail Mary, full of grace...
The lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is Jesus
the fruit of thy...
...of thy womb...
The priest has good prayers.
You know your prayers?
What did we say to Gran?
- "Our Father who art in heaven."
- To Gran?
You'd say: "Hail Mary".
I don't want to be called "Mary".
What are they doing up there?
The priest said to be calm.
Michel, what is a womb?
Where Georges is hurt. Go on.
...and hurt is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
After that?
It's done. Say "Amen".
Amen. Why do they all end the same?