Well, let me put it this way.
A young girl, alone,
thrown into the world, gets ill.
If it's anything like that,
you can be cured.
There's a new drug performing
miracles, curing thousands.
If it's anything of that nature
don't be afraid to tell,
maybe I can help.
I'm an old sinner,
nothing shocks me.
It's nothing like that.
Are you sure?
But you have been ill?
Yes. I was five months
in the hospital with rheumatic fever.
Is that all?
Then what are you complaining about?
It's ruined my health.
I can't work.
What do you work at?
I was a dancer.
A dancer!
A member of the Empire ballet.
And I thought you were a...
So, you're a ballet dancer.
Pardon me, we haven't met formally.
What is your name?
Thereza Ambrose.
But I'm called Terry.
Charming. How do you do.
I'm also in the business.
My name is Calvero.
Perhaps you've heard of me.
You're not the great comedian?
I was.
However, we won't go into that.
Whatever brought you
to this state of affairs?
Ill health, mostly.
Then we'll have to get you well.
It isn't the ideal spot
for convalescing,
but you're welcome to it,
if you can put up with being
Mrs. Calvero. In name only!
It won't inconvenience you?
Not at all.
I've had five wives already.
One more or less
makes no difference.
Moreover, I've arrived at the age
where platonic friendship can be
sustained on the highest moral plane.
Now let me see, your mother was
a dressmaker and your father a lord?
The fourth son of a lord.
That's quite different.
How is it he married your mother?