She was
one of the family housemaids.
Sounds like a novelette.
- Did he have any money?
- No, the family cut him off.
So your sister's
the only one living?
Yes, and she's in South America.
Tell me, was it just ill health
that made you do what you did?
- That, and...
- And what?
The utter futility of everything.
I see it even in flowers,
hear it in music.
All life aimless,
without meaning.
What do you want a meaning for?
Life is a desire, not a meaning.
Desire is the theme of all life!
It makes a rose want to be a rose,
and want to grow like that.
And a rock want to contain itself
and remain like that.
What are you smiling about?
Your imitation
of a rose and a rock.
I can imitate anything.
Ever seen a Japanese tree?
They're lopsided, they grow this way.
Of course pansies grow this way.
The dark ones frown and go like that.
However, the meaning of anything
is merely other words
for the same thing.
After all, a rose is a rose.
Not bad, should be quoted.
Think how meaningless
life was a moment ago.
Now you have
a temporary husband and a home.
Here's your drinking water,
and in case of any emergencies,
the first door on the left,
the same on each floor.
Good night.