To talk about worms
the way you do.
Why not? Even flies are romantic.
- Flies?
- Oh yes.
Coming from the stable
to the table,
chasing each other over the sugar
and meeting in the butter.
- You've read "The Life of the Bee"?
- No, I haven't.
The bee's behavior in the beehive
is unbelievable.
- Gezundheit!
- It certainly does.
- I beg your pardon?
- The dress. It goes on tight.
You're awful dusty tonight, my dear.
Turn around.
Where do they keep you?
On the top shelf or something?
Fuller's earth? Johnson's powder?
I know! Cornstarch.
Just think!
All life motivated by love.
How beautiful.
- By no means beautiful.
- It certainly is.
No, it's vile, wicked, awful!
But wonderful.
- I like you.
- Really?
You're sensitive. You feel things.
Don't encourage me.
It's true. So few people
have the capacity to feel.
Or the opportunity.
Allow me.
Use it only for what you wish.
Come in.
Good morning. How do you feel?
- Better, thank you.
- Good.
What a day!
The sun's shining, the kettle's
singing, and we've paid the rent.
There'll be an earthquake,
I know it.
What would you like for breakfast?
We have eggs, bacon,
cheese, spring onions...