
And in the elegant melancholy
of twilight,

as the candles flutter
and make your eyes dance,

he will tell you he loves you.
And you will tell him
you have always loved him.

Where am I?
Yes, life can be wonderful
if you're not afraid of it.

All it needs is courage, imagination
and a little dough.
Now what's the matter?
I'll never dance again!
I'm a cripple.

- Pure hysteria! It's in your mind.
- It isn't true.

- Otherwise you'd fight!
- What is there to fight for?

Ah, you see? You admit it.
What is there to fight for?

Life itself! Isn't that enough?
To be lived, suffered, enjoyed!
What is there to fight for?

Life is a beautiful,
magnificent thing.

Even to a jellyfish.
What is there to fight for?
You have your art, your dancing!

But I can't dance without legs!
I know a man without arms
who can play a scherzo on a violin
and does it all with his toes.

The trouble is you won't fight.
You've given in.

Continually dwelling
on sickness and death!

there's something
just as inevitable as death

and that's life.
Life, life, life!

Think of the power
that's in the universe!

Moving the earth, growing the trees!
And that's the same power
within you.

If you'd only have courage
and the will to use it.

Good night!
Faster, faster.
Come on, dance!

I fooled you that time.
Come on.
