Listen to this one:
"With ease, Thereza pirouetted
and flexed radiant authority.
"She was light,
quicksilver, efflorescing!
"A Diana spinning
wisps of beauty about her."
Very good.
Well, you've done it.
How's it feel to wake up famous?
That's right, have a good cry
and enjoy it. It only happens once.
Let's marry, soon.
If we could only get away.
That house in the country,
where we could have
peace and happiness.
The first time I've ever heard you
mention that word.
- I'm always happy with you.
- Are you?
Of course. I love you.
Wasted on an old man.
Love is never wasted.
Terry, you're like a nun, shutting
everything else out for my sake.
It isn't fair, wasting your youth.
You deserve more than this.
Let me go away.
What's come over you?
I can't help it!
If I only had the strength to leave!
But I stay on, tormenting myself.
The whole thing is false.
In the few years I have left,
I must have truth.
That's all I have left.
That's all I want.
And if possible, a little dignity.
If you leave me, I'll kill myself.
I hate life!
The torment, the cruelty of it.
I couldn't go on without you!
Don't you understand, I love you!
- You want to love me.
- But I do, I do!