
I've still got ideas, you know.
I've been working on,
working on... a comedy act,

for myself and my friend.
It's sort of a musical satire.
You know he's a very good pianist,
and me with the violin...

A lot of very really
really very funny business.

Come in.
Sit down, my dear.
You look tired.

I've been working with the claque,
going over Calvero's jokes.

I gave them cue sheets so
they'll know exactly where to laugh.

Are the jokes as bad as all that?
I'm worried. If he fails tonight,
it'll kill him. I know it.

He won't fail. The audience
will be most sympathetic.

But he doesn't want sympathy.
He keeps saying that.

He wants to be a genuine success.
What does he expect?
You know he's not the man he was.

He mustn't be told that!
Tell me, my dear,
are you still going to marry him?
I'll do anything in the world
to make him happy.

He's a very lucky man.
He's a very, very lucky man.
I never thought we'd come to this.
Here we have the star dressing room
without a dresser.

Oh well, I guess we can put up
with it for one night.

Fred, the stage manager.
Come in, Fred.
Like old times,
seeing you in this room again.

What's on your mind?
You've got 10 minutes, because
there's 20 other acts to follow.

You're in a song first,
finishing up with a musical act.

I'll ring down
after you fall in the drum.

No, after I'm carried off
in the drum.
