Jimmy and Doc.
Hi ya, Miss.
I'm glad to see you.
We just drop by to brush up
on our piano lessons.
Won't you come in?
Saw the sign outside.
Any customers?
No, you're the first.
What smells so good?
I'm making an Australian stew.
And what's that?
Same as Irish stew,
only the meat's down under.
That's too bad.
We drop by to invite you
and your father out for dinner.
Yeah. Out to dinner.
Yeah, dinner.
We found a nice little place
down at piccalilli.
French cuisine.
You weren't good
at anything of that kind.
But you're invited to stay and
sample my cooking if you like to.
No. Now, we wouldn't
think of imposing on you.
There's plenty and I insist.
Well, I guess it's better than
looking at the clown
dressing and all that.
Besides, I'm getting awfully
tired of those rich food.
We'll stay.
Make yourself comfortable
and I'll get things ready.
By the way, how's Sydney?
He's developed the one-two punch.
And I've got the jaw to proof it.
Yes, the greatest act
ever put under attempt.
There's only one thing wrong.
No one knows about it.
That's where you'll come in.
That's where I come in?
We figured that if we could
get enough people down there,
the rest
would take care of itself.
So we thought maybe
if you'd be interested in,
Well, making a little money.
Money? How?
Well, the idea I had in mind
was a swim down the Temps.
Maybe five or six miles
ending up at the carnival.
We'd follow you
in a row boat, of course.
Yeah. If Sydney could swim,
we wouldn't be bothering you.
We'll pay you five pounds
and fifty percent
of the day's proceeds.
Well... if you're going to
stage a swim,
why won't you make it a real one?
What do you mean?
Well, that six miles
won't impress anybody,
but twenty-six miles might.
Twenty-six miles. Holy smoke.
I can't even row that far.