Million Dollar Mermaid

How long did it
take you to train?

Give us a good story,
Miss Kellerman.

Please, one at a time.
Which question first.

Tell us about your training,
Miss Kellerman.

Do you swim every day, don't you?
Well, that all depends.
Oh, gee, gentlemen. I'm so tired.

Kangaroo winning human frame.
He win, he boxed, he strikes
when the fought are files.

Where's the girl
who made the swim?

Over there.
How's the house?
Fine, but the people
aren't in it. If you ask me,

we're selling tickets
for the wrong attraction.

Start the show. I'll see if I can
get the press over here.

And bring me back some
black coffee, will you?

I'm dead on my feet.
Sullivan, you have
to get her out of there.

The child's so exhausted
she can barely hold her head up.

I'll see what I can do.
Yes, I was born in Sydney
and my first...

Alright, gentlemen.
That's it for now.

We'll be available
for further interviews tomorrow.

Thank you very much.
Good night, Miss Kellerman.
Good night.

Let me call your attention
to another visit from Australia.

Not as pretty as Miss Kellerman
but in his own way,
just as nice...

Look. Aren't you going to
see the kangaroo?

Poor Sydney.
Looks like you're ready
to put out of business.

