It's the best I can do.
I'm sorry.
But, Mr. Harper...
By the way,
can you find me a Lincoln
that looks like Lincoln?
Well, all those characters
you have dug out
look more like
the Smith brothers.
Yes, I know. Now look.
I've told you what I wanted.
This man must be...
If you can't do it,
I'll get somebody else.
You know what I want...
Well, that's that.
It isn't your fault, Jimmy.
It's a good idea and I run into
it with my eyes open.
Well, anyway, you can go work
with Harper if you want to.
Might not be a bad idea.
I don't know
what I'm going to do.
Probably run up to Boston.
Find my own concession
at the Beetbeach.
He wants me
to help in ballethood.
Jimmy, I have to make some money.
It's Dad I'm thinking about.
You see, music is his whole life,
loving it, teaching it,
having his own conservatory.
If only I could give
it to him that much.
You can.
Forget it. I'm not going
to sell you something else
that haven't fizzle out.
Take the Harper job.
It's safe on expenses.
No. I need more
than just expenses.
Jimmy, how much can you
make out of a concession?
If it clicks, plenty.
All we have to do is pool
enough money together
to buy a little tank
and then we... Look,
I told you to forget it.
It's too much of a long shot.
I've only got six dollars
in my pocket.
Well, I still have
three silver cups left
and then that would be enough
to get us to Boston, isn't it?
Well, I was just thinking.
In London, we swam down
the Temps to get publicity
and that work pretty well,
didn't it?
Keep talking.
Suppose we did
the same thing here.
I'll marathon swim
from somewhere, anywhere.
Not anywhere, from Revere Beach.