Dad. Where are we going?
Now, now.
The lobby's full of
reporters and cameramen,
and they like to know
if they can come up.
Well, you just tell them
to go away.
Tell them I've left town.
I never want to see Boston again.
I'll just go some place else.
Wrong. You'll swim here.
As far as I'm concern,
this is the greatest thing
that has ever happened.
The greatest...
I'm booked and fingerprinted
and arrested just like a con...
What others.
Don't you realize
you're the standard bearer
of all American womanhood?
In your hands lies the power
the wreck
the shutter of puritanry.
Free the feminine sex
and the aura of convention.
Go ahead, run away if you want.
But I tell you,
this is more than a trial,
more than a newspaper headline.
This is a crusade.
I said bravo.
This tempest over a bathing suit,
it's... it's really evil.
It should be
exposed to the world.
Well, I for one,
intends to see that
my daughter stays
and fights this thing through.
Here. Here. That a boy, Pop.
It's high time the American women
show what they have in skin.
It's up to you, darling.
You can pay the fine
and leave Boston tonight
or you can stay and accept
the challenge.
Tell those reporters to come up.
I'll give them a story,
bathing suit and all.
And as prosecutor
for this county,
I demand
the severest possible penalty
for this brazen young woman
who has wantonly flaunted
every statute of decency.
She and the others like her
must learn that
laws are made to be observed.
Her guilt is uncontestable.
She admits that she wore
the indecent garment in question.
I admit no such thing.
What's that?