- Just a moment, please.
- Good morning.
Oh, Dr Fulton. Mr Oxly
would like to see you in his office.
Thank you.
- Good morning, Dr Fulton.
- Good morning. Aren´t you here early?
Oh, yes. Mr Oxly´s been complaining
about my punctuation,
so l´m careful to get here before nine.
Mr Oxly´s on the telephone.
Won´t you sit down?
I´m glad we have a moment.
I have something I want to show you.
For instance?
Isn´t it wonderful?
- I beg your pardon?
- The nonrip stockings you invented.
Oh! The N-41 acetate project.
This is an experimental pair,
the first out of the factory.
- Aren´t you proud?
- Turned out rather well.
I´ll say. You can´t tear ´em or snag ´em
or anything, no matter how hard you try.
- You´d be amazed, Doctor.
- Oh, no, I wouldn´t.
I´ve done a lot of experimenting with this kind
ofthing. But l´m through with all of that now.
- Oh, Mr Oxly. Dr Fulton´s here.
- Good morning, sir.
- Good morning. You can come in now,
- ifyou´re not too busy.
- Miss Laurel was showing me her acetates.
Yes... No calls, please.
Yes, sir.
- Barnaby, I want to talk to you.
- Yes, sir.
I´m very much interested
in this new experiment ofyours.
As a matter offact, l´m all steamed up
about it. How´s it coming?
Our problem is to increase
the efficiency ofthe formula.
- Could be quite a thing.
- I stumbled onto something
- that may be of help.
- That´s good news.
Oh, I wanted you to see
this advertising layout.
I want your opinion. We jumped the gun
a little, but I thought we´d better be ready.
Well, why B-4?
´´Be-fore´´, as in ´´before and after´´.
Emphasises the youth angle.
Get it?
- What´s the vulture doing?
- That´s a phoenix, a mythical bird,
rising out ofthe ashes of age.