Hey, hey, hey!
How did you get out of there, huh?
Listen, Esther, or Rudolph,
whichever one you are...
Come on. Come on,
you get right back in your cage.
No, l´m not gonna carry you.
You walk. Come on.
What you doin´ gettin´ out? Get back in.
Go on. How´d you get out, anyway?
Gus, I thought you were
going to attend to that later.
Oh, I wasn´t changing ´em, Doctor.
Esther got out. I was puttin´ her back in.
I guess that was my fault.
I forgot to close the lock.
- Kinda messed your stuff up there.
- I´ll take care of it, Gus.
Oh, don´t bother with anything now, Jerome.
I´m anxious to try this.
Seriously, Doctor, do you think you should?
Self-experimentation is
against the rules of good research.
Jerome, the history of discovery
is the history of people
who didn´t follow rules.
Well, here goes. To X-58, and a better world.