Pulse 150, is that right?
Mounting vertigo.
No nausea.
A sensation not unlike...
a series of small electric shocks. I...
- Jerome? Jerome, where are you?
- I´m here.
- What is it?
- I can´t see. I´m blind.
- Go on with the notes.
- This is serious. I´ll get help.
I know what I took. Ifthere´s an antidote,
we´ll have to find it ourselves.
Just take the notes.
It´s like a cloud - a very peculiar feeling.
A general milkiness, but no discomfort.
In fact, it´s a sensation of
extreme wellbeing. It´s as if l...
Doctor? What is it?
A paralysis? Can you speak?
Try tapping one for ´´yes´´, two for ´´no´´.
Can you hear me? Doctor, can you hear me?
Perfectly. Hand me
the telephone book, please.
- Whose number do you want?
- Let me have the book.
Inglewood Drop Forge and Tool Company,
1065 Westhauser Avenue, lnglewood,
West 6-0945.
It isn´t possible!
It is possible, Jerome. For the first time in ten
years, I am able to see without my glasses.
- Perfect vision.
- I can´t believe it.
There. Now l´m blind again. Fog. You see?
- Now I can see again.
- Doctor, X-58 seems to be a success.
Oh, indeed it does.
I´ll try my bursitis.
Oh, I beg your pardon.
- Not a twinge!
- This is amazing.
Dr Barnaby Fulton, let me shake hands
with the next Nobel Prize winner.
- Delighted!
Pardon me. My phone´s running over.
Hello? Department of Water and Power.