Watch your head. I´ll watch everything else.
Oh, Dr Fulton, this is fun. What about
Mr Oxly? The plant´s back that way.
I know. We´re going to circle the field,
so fasten your safety belt, and no smoking.
- Oh, Doctor!
- Look and see ifthe flaps are down.
- Well, Doc, she´ll be good as new by five.
- Five o´clock?
Oh, we can do lots of things by then.
- Can´t we?
- Sure, Doc.
- Come along.
- Do you skate much now?
Oh, not lately. But don´t worry,
l´ll show you how.
Look out, Doc.
Oh, l´ll get the hang of it soon.
I´m gonna be good, you wait.
Oh, look out! Help!
Doc! That´s awful high.