I tell itself it
Because I want seeing it happy.
Do not worry about me!
If really it displeasure
as person,
I will leave it in peace.
Not, do not you please me.
But if is for my low position
Never I will yield myself.
You see you!
Oharu, listen me.
A human being...
A woman can be happy
If he marries by love.
The social prestige
Does not equal to the happiness.
You leave me! I have not come here
To listen you!
I will expect alone
To Lord Kikukoji.
I have said that you go!
He is not going to come.
I feel it.
Is that...
It had seeing it.
Since began
to come to the Cut,
I have desired it crazily.
Please, accept my love.
I read your letter.
But I cannot marry me
Of any way.
Why not?
Is obvious.
Neither the Cut neither my father
It would permit it us.
Fuguémonos together.
We will build
Our own home.
We can do it.
I know that can do you happy.