BlNET presents his famous actors
Lenore? lt's me.
Don't be nervous.
Forgive my prolonged neglect, my pet.
For here l am again, at your feet.
How softly your skin shines
in the moonlight.
Darling? lt's me! l'm back!
Monsieur Binet's charming troupe
of traveling players, wake up!
Where is she? My Lenore.
Your leading lady. Where is she?
- She's not here.
- Not here? Why isn't she here?
- She's gone to Paris.
- Paris. You're lying.
- To see her family.
- Her father is sick.
- Father? She never had a father.
- Maybe a sister.
Never had a sister, a brother, a father,
a mother, an aunt, an uncle...
- She has no one but me, has she?
- Only a husband.
A husband?