Monsieur Binet,
heaven's gift to the theater.
Are you by any chance trying to tell me
that my Lenore is married?
Yes, indeed. Well, practically.
- Practically?
- All but...
- All but, what?
- Married.
She got tired of waiting for you
to make her your own.
And now she goes to the altar
with another.
Paris. Tuesday. Noon.
Lenore, my bride. My beautiful.
What have l done to deserve you?
So far, remarkably little.
But l'm living in hopes.
- Roses.
- They're lucky for lovers.
Are they? What a pity they fade so quickly.
These will not fade, my beloved.
l thought of your eyes
and went right out and bought them.
Just my eyes? How sweet.
l must see you start thinking
about all of me.
- l'm the happiest of men.
- And the richest.
Well, not quite.
They say you sell more sausages
than anyone else in Paris.
- Except for the Delmore brothers.
- The Delmore brothers?
Are they married?
- They're dead.
- Dead?
But with you at my side,
l'll make more and bigger sausages...
than anyone else in France.
Forgive the intrusion,
but vehicle ordinance number 4012...
forbids osculation in public conveyances.