l shall go to this gentleman
and extract the allowance in person.
- What is his name?
- His name?
You know l can't do that, Andre.
l know nothing at all!
For 30-odd years...
l have made a profession of ignorance with
particular reference to my real name...
my obscure beginnings,
and my mysterious birth.
lf you fidget, l may draw blood.
You're making me nervous. Where was l?
Yes, my birth.
Being adequately financed
by whoever was responsible...
for my arrival in what is termed
"the wrong side of the blanket"...
l was content
to be ignorant of my parentage.
But now l need money.
lt is at this moment
that my elusive papa concludes...
that his duty is done...
and that there should be
no more cakes and ale...
for his mischievous youth.
A lamentable conclusion in any event,
but at this moment, deplorably timed.
We must therefore face the fact...
that the hour has come
to tear down the veil...
and unmask this philandering gentleman.
Who is he, Fabian? Who is my father?
No! l won't tell.
You're making me nervous again.
l can't betray a client's confidence.
Look at my hand,
how it shakes and trembles with emotion.
What is his name, Fabian?
The name of my father. What is it?
Count de Gavrillac.
- The address?
- ln Normandy.
The manor of Gavrillac. Near Dieppe.
Here l am, Andre!
All in one piece? Where's the lady?
My bride-to-be, the light of my life.