Shut your mouth.
Who are you?
Madame Frying Pan.
- Punchinello.
- Pierrette.
Now, what about you?
Yes, you.
Columbine knows, but will she tell?
l wonder.
What was the name
of the man you are looking for?
Andre Moreau. You know him?
l know a lot of men.
This Andre Moreau,
would you say he looks like Scaramouche?
The same height and build perhaps?
The same brown eyes
waiting to betray you...
and the wicked mouth
that laughs at you and lies.
Now, make him take his mask off.
Take it off.
Take it off before l cut it off!
- Sergeant, bring your men!
- Come on, men!
- You, what's down there?
- Unhand me, sir!
Don't go down there, sir!
Come back, sir! How dare you?
He didn't get far.
Andre Moreau, l think.
But l could've sworn that...
We've wasted enough time on this fool.
Sergeant, bring your men.
We'll block every road.
Follow me!