Enjoy your bath, dear.
Thank you.
- Mr. Fernando Rivoli, please.
- Who?
I'm here to see Mr. Rivoli.
I must give him --
Fernando Rivoli never comes here.
- He only comes in for his salary.
- You'll have to wait until Saturday.
But I'm leaving tomorrow.
May I leave this here?
- Put it on the desk.
Good morning, ma'am.
Excuse me, dear.
Hold him.
- What's this?
- She has something for Mr. Rivoli.
- A fan...
- I wanted to give him --
and therefore a friend.
Take these to my office.
What's your name, dear?
- Passionate --
- What?
- Passionate Dolly.
How delightful!
I am Marilena Alba Vellardi.