What's this, a photograph?
May I?
What is it? Let me see!
Did you draw this yourself?
It's a very good likeness.
Look, ma'am.
What a masterpiece!
It's wonderful!
His turban is perfect!
Such spirit, and a painter too!
Fernando will be ecstatic.
Such a generous, sensitive heart!
What about the punch line?
- The director needs it right away.
We're working on it!
Just a moment.
Has Fernando Rivoli arrived?
Nando? He's downstairs.
We've got to get going.
Oh, shut up!
What was I saying?
Let's see.
The punch line could be --
My dear?
If you were in the desert at night,
and you knew your sheik was
in danger, what would you say?
Who, me?
If I were Fatima,
alone in the desert at night?
I'd say --What would I say?
''My word but I am distraught.''
An exquisitely human line.
- Really?
- I'll write it down immediately.
It's simple... like life.
Tell them you'll be right down.
- All right.
We'll be right down.
These are for the director,
Mr. Fortuna.
And take this young lady
to see Fernando Rivoli.
Go, dear!
Your sheik is waiting.