Sceicco bianco, Lo

She went to Via XXIV Maggio,
and she has yet to return.
A letter was found
that doesn't indicate --

This lady's husband
can't tell who sent it.

He is certain
she knew no one in Rome.

Based on these facts,
the authorities should determine why --

Why what?
Why this lady left
the Hotel Tre Fiori

to go to Via XXIV Maggio.
No, please.
''Dear Passionate Dolly:
If, as you say, you will visit Rome soon,
come and see me.

We'll spend a few
unforgettable hours together.

Your White Sheik.''
So, are you ''Passionate Dolly''?
- Me?

Just answer one question.
- Of course.

Did you find this letter
on the lady in question?

No, in a puddle of water
on the floor.

Apparently the bathtub overflowed,
and I saw the letter
floating in the water.

One can only suppose that the lady
was about to take a bath.

A logical supposition.
That explains everything!
- You really think so?
