Almonds, sugar coated peanuts,
candy and chewing gum.
- Like this, mother?
- Be quiet.
- Watch out.
- l couldn't be more careful.
Please, back up.
We're in a hurry.
Hey buddy, back up.
Let's go.
l'd like to sir, but l can't.
- My reverse doesn't work.
- What?
Back up or l'll make you.
This junk couldn't even be towed.
Let's see.
All right, let's go.
Harder on reverse.
Harder, man.
We need a pulley.
Yes, Congressman.
l'm familiar with this.
Back up, and it'll be solved.
Look, Mr. Eladio.
Fidencio, wait. Let's get off.
No, l don't want to. Stop it.
You pig. You're always sniffling...
...but never blow your nose. Creep.
Gross, snot.
Oh, my, what happened?
Silvestre, get off and take the kids.
Call some women to help with Feliza.
Go on, hurry.
Turn around, don't look.
Women! l need two.
Hurry, quickly.
- They're coming.
- Hurry.
Come on, l'll take you.
What do you need?
Get in, no questions.